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homeobox protein PITX1 MeSH Supplementary Concept Data 2025

MeSH Supplementary
homeobox protein PITX1
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
Entry Term(s)
BFT protein, human
Bft protein, rat
Otlx1 protein, mouse
P-OTX protein, mouse
PITX1 protein, human
POTX protein, human
Pitx1 protein, mouse
Pitx1 protein, rat
Potx protein, mouse
Ptx1 protein, mouse
backfoot protein
backfoot protein, human
backfoot protein, mouse
backfoot protein, rat
bft protein, mouse
homeobox protein PITX1, mouse
paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1
paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1, Xenopus
paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1, human
paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1, mouse
paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1, rat
pituitary OTX-related factor
pituitary OTX-related factor, mouse
pituitary homeobox 1 protein
pitx1 protein, Xenopus
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
*Homeodomain Proteins (1996-2005)
*Transcription Factors (1996-2005)
Heading Mapped to
*Paired Box Transcription Factors
binds to pituitary-specific POU domain protein (Pit-1); expressed in primordial Rathke's pouch, oral epithelium, first branchial arch, duodenum, and hindlimb; Ptx - PiTuitary homeo boX 1; a bicoid-related protein involved in transcription of pro-opiomelanocortin gene; RefSeq NM_011097 (mouse); NM_002653 (human); NM_053624 (rat)
Genes Dev 1996 May 15;10(10):1284-95
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1996 Jul 23;93(15):7706-10
Indexing Information
Nerve Tissue Proteins
Repressor Proteins
Xenopus Proteins
Date of Entry
Revision Date
homeobox protein PITX1 Preferred
Pitx1 protein, mouse Narrower
PITX1 protein, human Narrower
Pitx1 protein, rat Narrower
pitx1 protein, Xenopus Narrower
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