IM; coord with propellant if relevant (IM); D25-26 qualif with discretion
Scope Note
Compressed gases or vapors in a container which, upon release of pressure and expansion through a valve, carry another substance from the container. They are used for cosmetics, household cleaners, and so on. Examples are BUTANES; CARBON DIOXIDE; FLUOROCARBONS; NITROGEN; and PROPANE. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
Aerosols (1966-1972)
specific chemical (1966-1972)
Public MeSH Note
91; was see under AEROSOLS 1973-90; was in Cat D & J 1973-82
History Note
91(73); was see under AEROSOLS 1973-90; was in Cat D & J 1973-82
Compressed gases or vapors in a container which, upon release of pressure and expansion through a valve, carry another substance from the container. They are used for cosmetics, household cleaners, and so on. Examples are BUTANES; CARBON DIOXIDE; FLUOROCARBONS; NITROGEN; and PROPANE. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)