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Bacteriophage phi X 174 MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Bacteriophage phi X 174
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
Scope Note
The type species of the genus MICROVIRUS. A prototype of the small virulent DNA coliphages, it is composed of a single strand of supercoiled circular DNA, which on infection, is converted to a double-stranded replicative form by a host enzyme.
Entry Term(s)
Coliphage phi X 174
Enterobacteria phage phi X 174
Phage phi X 174
Phage phi X174
phi X 174 Phage
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
Coliphages (1966-1979)
Public MeSH Note
93; was PHAGE PHI X 174 1980-92; PHI X 174 was see BACTERIOPHAGE PHI X 174 1980-93; BACTERIOPHAGE PHI X 174 was see PHAGE PHI X 174 1980-92
Online Note
use BACTERIOPHAGE PHI X 174 to search PHI X 174 1980-93 & PHAGE PHI X 174 1980-92
History Note
93; was PHAGE PHI X 174 1980-92; PHI X 174 was see BACTERIOPHAGE PHI X 174 1980-93; BACTERIOPHAGE PHI X 174 was see PHAGE PHI X 174 1980-92
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Bacteriophage phi X 174 Preferred
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