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Pyocins MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
Scope Note
Bacteriocins elaborated by mutant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They are protein or protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes lethal to other strains of the same or related species.
Entry Term(s)
Pyocin 1-4
Pyocin 103
Pyocin F 1
Pyocin F 2
Pyocin F 3
Pyocin P 3
Pyocin R
Pyocin R 1
Pyocin R 2
Pyocin R1
Pyocin S 2
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
Antibiotics (1966-1967)
Pyocin (1968-1978)
Public MeSH Note
91; was see under BACTERIOCINS 1979-90; was PYOCIN see under BACTERIOCINS 1968-78, see under ANTIBIOTICS 1966-67
Online Note
use PYOCINS to search PYOCIN 1975-79; use BACTERIOCINS 1968-74 & ANTIBIOTICS 1966-67
History Note
91(79); was see under BACTERIOCINS 1979-90; was PYOCIN see under BACTERIOCINS 1968-78, see under ANTIBIOTICS 1966-67
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Pyocins Preferred
Pyocin 103 Narrower
Pyocin F 1 Narrower
Pyocin F 2 Narrower
Pyocin F 3 Narrower
Pyocin P 3 Narrower
Pyocin R Narrower
Pyocin R1 Narrower
Pyocin R 2 Narrower
Pyocin S 2 Narrower
Pyocin 1-4 Narrower
Pyocin Narrower
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