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Satellite Viruses MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Satellite Viruses
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
defective viruses able to multiply only with a helper virus; coord IM with specific virus (IM)
Scope Note
Defective viruses which can multiply only by association with a helper virus which complements the defective gene. Satellite viruses may be associated with certain plant viruses, animal viruses, or bacteriophages. They differ from satellite RNA; (RNA, SATELLITE) in that satellite viruses encode their own coat protein.
Entry Term(s)
Associated Virus
Associated Viruses
Virus, Associated
Viruses, Associated
Registry Numbers
Previous Indexing
Defective Viruses (1967-1974)
Viruses (1966)
See Also
Helper Viruses
RNA, Satellite
Public MeSH Note
79; was see under ASSOCIATED VIRUSES 1975-78, was SATELLITE VIRUS see under ASSOCIATED VIRUS 1974; ASSOCIATED VIRUSES was heading 1975-78, was ASSOCIATED VIRUS 1973-74
Online Note
use SATELLITE VIRUSES to search ASSOCIATED VIRUSES 1975-78 & ASSOCIATED VIRUS 1967-74 (as Prov 1967-72)
History Note
79(75); was see under ASSOCIATED VIRUSES 1975-78, was SATELLITE VIRUS see under ASSOCIATED VIRUS 1974; ASSOCIATED VIRUSES was heading 1975-78, was ASSOCIATED VIRUS 1967-74 (Prov 1967-72)
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Satellite Viruses Preferred
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