A species of BETARETROVIRUS isolated from mammary carcinoma in rhesus monkeys. It appears to have evolved from a recombination between a murine B oncovirus and a primate C oncovirus related to the baboon endogenous virus. Several serologically distinct strains exist. MPMV induces SIMIAN AIDS.
Entry Version
Entry Term(s)
Simian retrovirus 1
Simian retrovirus 2
Related Numbers
Previous Indexing
Oncogenic Viruses (1972-1976)
Retroviridae (1977-1990)
Vertebrate Viruses, Unclassified (1966-1971)
Public MeSH Note
91; was see SIV 1989-90
Online Note
use SIV to search MASON-PFIZER MONKEY VIRUS 1989-90
A species of BETARETROVIRUS isolated from mammary carcinoma in rhesus monkeys. It appears to have evolved from a recombination between a murine B oncovirus and a primate C oncovirus related to the baboon endogenous virus. Several serologically distinct strains exist. MPMV induces SIMIAN AIDS.