A genus of FLAVIVIRIDAE causing parenterally-transmitted HEPATITIS C which is associated with transfusions and drug abuse. Hepatitis C virus is the type species.
Entry Term(s)
Hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis C-Like Viruses
Registry Numbers
Related Numbers
Previous Indexing
Hepatitis Viruses (1988-1990)
Public MeSH Note
2002; see HEPATITIS C-LIKE VIRUSES 1997-2001, see HEPATITIS C VIRUSES 1994-1996, see HEPATITIS C VIRUS 1991-1993
A genus of FLAVIVIRIDAE causing parenterally-transmitted HEPATITIS C which is associated with transfusions and drug abuse. Hepatitis C virus is the type species.
Six clades of the virus exist. But all are considered one species, since serotyping is not yet possible and they do not contain any other taxonomic characteristics except geographic distribution (8th ICTV Report).