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Adenocarcinoma, Bronchiolo-Alveolar MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Adenocarcinoma, Bronchiolo-Alveolar
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
coordinate IM with LUNG NEOPLASMS (IM)
Scope Note
A carcinoma derived from epithelium of terminal bronchioles, in which the neoplastic tissue extends along the alveolar walls and grows in small masses within the alveoli. Involvement may be uniformly diffuse and massive, or nodular, or lobular. The neoplastic cells are cuboidal or columnar and form papillary structures. Mucin may be demonstrated in some of the cells and in the material in the alveoli, which also includes denuded cells. Metastases in regional lymph nodes, and in even more distant sites, are known to occur, but are infrequent. (From Stedman, 25th ed)
Entry Term(s)
Adenocarcinoma, Alveolar
Alveolar Cell Carcinoma
Carcinoma, Alveolar
Carcinoma, Bronchiolar
Carcinoma, Bronchiolo-Alveolar
Carcinoma, Bronchioloalveolar
NLM Classification #
WF 658
Public MeSH Note
1994; see CARCINOMA, BRONCHIOLAR 1963-1993
History Note
1994; use CARCINOMA, BRONCHIOLAR 1963-1993
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Adenocarcinoma, Bronchiolo-Alveolar Preferred
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