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Desmoid Tumors MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Desmoid Tumors
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
coordinate with precoordinated organ/neoplasm term if specified
Scope Note
Locally aggressive tumors that form in the connective tissues of body with no known potential for metastasis. However, they are characterized by an infiltrative growth pattern, allowing invasion into nearby tissues and organs, particularly evident in patients with FAMILIAL ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS.
Entry Term(s)
Deep Fibromatoses
Deep Fibromatosis
Desmoid Fibromatosis
Desmoid-type Fibromatosis
Extra Abdominal Desmoid Tumor
Fibromatosis, Aggressive
Musculoaponeurotic Fibromatosis
Previous Indexing
Fibroma (1969-1993)
Public MeSH Note
2025; see FIBROMA 1991-1993 and FIBROMATOSIS, AGGRESSIVE 1994-2024
Online Note
use FIBROMA to search DESMOID 1991-93
History Note
2025; use FIBROMA 1991-1993 and FIBROMATOSIS, AGGRESSIVE 1994-2024
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Desmoid Tumors Preferred
Musculoaponeurotic Fibromatosis Narrower
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