A methylated nucleotide base found in eukaryotic DNA. In ANIMALS, the DNA METHYLATION of CYTOSINE to form 5-methylcytosine is found primarily in the palindromic sequence CpG. In PLANTS, the methylated sequence is CpNpGp, where N can be any base.
Entry Term(s)
5-Methylcytosine Monohydrochloride
Registry Numbers
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Previous Indexing
Cytosine (1970-2003)
Public MeSH Note
2004; 5-METHYLCYTOSINE was indexed under CYTOSINE/AA 1976-2003, under CYTOSINE 1970-1975
A methylated nucleotide base found in eukaryotic DNA. In ANIMALS, the DNA METHYLATION of CYTOSINE to form 5-methylcytosine is found primarily in the palindromic sequence CpG. In PLANTS, the methylated sequence is CpNpGp, where N can be any base.