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Risk Management MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Risk Management
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
Scope Note
The process of minimizing risk to an organization by developing systems to identify and analyze potential hazards to prevent accidents, injuries, and other adverse occurrences, and by attempting to handle events and incidents which do occur in such a manner that their effect and cost are minimized. Effective risk management has its greatest benefits in application to insurance in order to avert or minimize financial liability. (From Slee & Slee: Health care terms, 2d ed)
Entry Term(s)
Hospital Incident Reporting
Hospital Incident Reportings
Incident Reporting
Incident Reporting, Hospital
Incident Reportings, Hospital
Management, Risks
Reporting, Hospital Incident
Reportings, Hospital Risk
Voluntary Patient Safety Event Reporting
Previous Indexing
Insurance, Liability (1966-1979)
Malpractice (1966-1979)
See Also
Medical Errors
Patient Safety
Public MeSH Note
90; was see under FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1980-89
History Note
90(80); was see under FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1980-89
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Risk Management Preferred
Reporting, Hospital Incident Narrower
Incident Reporting Narrower
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