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Hepatitis, Viral, Human MeSH Descriptor Data 2025

MeSH Heading
Hepatitis, Viral, Human
Tree Number(s)
Unique ID
RDF Unique Identifier
coordinate IM with pre-coordinated virus disease term (IM) but note specific viral hepatitis terms
Scope Note
INFLAMMATION of the LIVER in humans due to infection by VIRUSES. There are several significant types of human viral hepatitis with infection caused by enteric-transmission (HEPATITIS A; HEPATITIS E) or blood transfusion (HEPATITIS B; HEPATITIS C; and HEPATITIS D).
Entry Term(s)
Viral Hepatitis, Human
NLM Classification #
WC 536
Previous Indexing
Hepatitis A (1966-1976)
Public MeSH Note
77; HEPATITIS, VIRAL, NON-A, NON-B was heading 1980-91 (see under HEPATITIS, VIRAL, HUMAN 1980-90), was see HEPATITIS C 1992-93
Online Note
use HEPATITIS C to search HEPATITIS, VIRAL, NON-A, NON-B 1980-93
History Note
77; HEPATITIS, VIRAL, NON-A, NON-B was heading 1980-91 (see under HEPATITIS, VIRAL, HUMAN 1980-90), was see HEPATITIS C 1992-93
Date Established
Date of Entry
Revision Date
Hepatitis, Viral, Human Preferred
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